Additional bachelor degree including a teacher certification
Bachelor students in the Faculty of Chemistry also have the option of obtaining an additional bachelor degree including a teacher certification in the Department of Education in Science and Technology. Specialization is offered in one of the following seven subjects: Instruction in Mathematics, Instruction in Physics, Instruction in Chemistry, Instruction in Biology, Instruction in Computer Science, Instruction in Technology-Mechanics, and Instruction in Electronics.
The Ministry of Education awards graduates of this degree with a teaching certification for middle and high schools in the respective subject. All regulations of the Technion for an additional bachelor’s degree apply to this study program as well. More details on how to obtain teacher certification can be obtained from the “Department of Education in Science and Technology”.
Bachelor students in the Faculty of Chemistry also have the option of obtaining an additional bachelor degree including a teacher certification in the Department of Education in Science and Technology. Specialization is offered in one of the following seven subjects: Instruction in Mathematics, Instruction in Physics, Instruction in Chemistry, Instruction in Biology, Instruction in Computer Science, Instruction in Technology-Mechanics, and Instruction in Electronics.