Dr. Natalya Fridman
Office hours: Sunday – Thursday 07:30 – 15:30

Office hours: Sunday – Thursday 07:30 – 15:30
The X-Ray diffraction facility at Technion offers single crystal X-Ray data collection, structure solution, and refinement of small molecule structures.
The small-molecule X-ray laboratory is housed in the Schulich Faculty of Chemistry building and equipped with two diffractometers: old Bruker APEX II DUO and new Rigaku XtaLAB Synergy-S CCD, both equipped with an Oxford AD51 Dry air unit series Cryostream system with low temperatures. Measurements are carried out using Mo & Cu irradiation for the new diffractometer and by using Mo irradiation for the old one.
A Nikon Model C-LEDS microscope is used to view and mount crystals. The laboratory provides small molecule crystal structure determinations of small molecules (organic, inorganic and organometallic). X-ray structure analysis of small molecules is conducted primarily on single crystals submitted by students in the department. As an extension service, the facility also accepts sample submissions from other departments within the Technion and from research organizations outside the Technion.
The X-Ray Crystallography Lab operates on 5 days per week schedule (7.30 – 15.30). Service is provided for all aspects of small molecule crystallography: