General theory of nonadiabatic transitions: multi-state semiclassical approach, analytical models, surface hopping approach, transitions near the conical intersections.
Quasiclassical theory of inelastic collisions: eikonal approximation beyond the common trajectory approach, semiclassical description of polarization phenomena and charge transfer. Vibrational and electronic energy transfer in molecular collisions. Quantum theory of inelastic collisions at low and ultra-low energies. Application to the vibrational relaxation of molecules in collisions with atoms in the Bethe-Wigner regime. Stochastic approach to the intramolecular energy redistribution: diffusion across the energy space in the chaotic regions of molecular phase space, master equation and discrete Markov chain equation. Application to the vibrational predissociation. Statistical and dynamical description of the complex formation and decay: incorporation of nonadiabatic effects into the adiabatic channel model of unimolecular reactions, formulation of the capture theory in the axially-nonadiabatic channel basis, application to the complex formation at low and ultra-low energies. Theory of electron attachment/detachment to/from polyatomic molecules. Generalization of the Vogt-Wannier and zero-range potential models.