Ofer Neufeld

The Neufeld theory group works in the multidisciplinary field of ultrafast laser-matter interactions. Our overarching goal is understanding the fundamental physical and chemical mechanisms that are active in molecules and materials driven far-from-equilibrium into highly excited states. We strive to describe attosecond (10-18 seconds) to femtosecond (10-15 seconds) coherent phenomena with ab-initio simulations (e.g. time-dependent density functional theory), in combination with models, in order to predict new physical effects and explain the origins of experimental measurements. We also aim to develop emerging ultrafast applications such as novel approaches for ultrafast high-resolution spectroscopy, quantum control schemes, and new light sources.
Research projects and specific topics in the group include theory of high harmonic generation, photoionization and photocurrent generation in nonlinear conditions, intense light-matter interactions in quantum materials, ultrafast magnetism, molecular charge migration, chiral spectroscopy, nonlinear optics near molecular resonances, and more.
We believe strong multidisciplinary backgrounds improve our ability as researchers to make ground breaking discoveries, and are not afraid of walking into uncharted territory. We welcome students at all levels of research that love theory, have a curious and creative mind, and an ambition to learn. If you are interested in working with us, don’t hesitate to contact Ofer.
(10/2024) PI of the Ultrafast Quantum Dynamics Theory Computational Group at the Schulich Faculty of Chemistry.
(2021-2024) Postdoc with Angel Rubio at the Theory Department, Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter, Hamburg, working on ultrafast light-matter interactions in condensed matter with TDDFT, including high harmonic generation, nonlinear photocurrent generation, ultrafast magnetism, and laser-dressed phases of matter.
(2016-2020) PhD with Oren Cohen at Technion Physics Department, working on symmetries of light-matter interactions in atoms and molecules and their role in nonlinear optics, and ultrafast spectroscopy of chiral molecules and chiral phenomena.
(2014-2016) MSc with Maytal Caspary Toroker at Technion Grand Energy Program (summa cum laude), working on theory of catalytic activity of photoelectrochemical cells and metal-oxide interfaces.
(2009-2014) Dual BSc in Physics and Materials Science and Engineering in Technion, summa cum laude.
For an updated publication list please visit our website, Ofer’s google scholar page, or Ofer’s ORCID.