אהרון לוינשטיין ז”ל

בתר דוקטורט: Cal. Tech., 1958-59; Columbia University ,1959-60
דוקטורט: Hebrew University, 1958
A. Loewenstein, D. Igner, U. Zehavi, H. Zimmerman, A. Emerson, and G.R. Luckhurst, Deuterium NMR Studies of n-Alkyl-beta-D-Glucopyranosides Liquid Crystalline Sytems, Liquid Crystals, 7, 457 (1990). H. Gutman, A. Loewenstein, Z. Luz, R. Poupko, and H. Zimmermann, Head Group Ordering in the Lyomesophases of Dipotassium Hexadecanoate Water System Studied by 13C and 2H NMR, Liquid Crystals, 9, 607 (1991). A. Loewenstein and D. Igner, Deuterium NMR Studies of n-Octyl alpha and beta-D-gLucopyranosides Liquid Crystalline Systems, Liquid Crystals, 10, 457 (1991). J.P. Bayle, J. Courtieu, E. Gabetty, A. Loewenstein, and J.M. Pechine, Chiral Recognition in a Polypeptide Lyotropic Liquid Crystal Through Deuterium NMR, New J. Chem., 16, 837 (1992). A. Loewenstein and D. Igner, Deuterium NMR Studies of n-octyl, n-nonyl, n-decyl-D-glucopyranoside Liquid Crystalline Systems, Liquid Crystals, 13, 531 (1993). A. Loewenstein and M. Brenman, Study of the Liquid Crystalline Phases of Benzopurpurin in Water, Liquid Crystals, 17, 499 (1994). A. Meddour, I. Canet, A. Loewenstein, J.M. Pechine and J. Courtieu, Observation of Enantiomers, Chiral by Virture of Isotopic Substitution, through Deuterium NMR in a Polypeptide Liquid Crystal, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 116, 9652 (1994).